Mar Thoma Congregation Dublin South
Nazarene Community Church Greystones,Wicklow, A63 YD27
(Under the Diocese of UK-Europe-Africa of the Global Mar Thoma Church)
The Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam was organized with a view that all the young people in the Church should accept Jesus Christ as their saviour and Lord, and bear witness to His saving power. It was organized in 1933 by a resolution of the Sabha Prathinidhi Mandalam. The first president of the Sakhyam was Rev.V P Mammen and the Vice- Presidents were Rev. K E Oommen and Rev. C M John (later Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan) and the first Secretary was Mr. V E Thomas (later Rev. V E Thomas, Singapore). Branches of the Sakhyam were set up in the Parishes with a four-fold programme of worship, study, witness and service. Mr. M M Thomas (later Dr. M M Thomas) was appointed as Organising Secretary in 1945 and he was the full time worker of the Sakhyam. Under his dynamic leadership, the Sakhyam struck deep roots and spread its branches far and wide.
Most of the Parishes both inside and outside Kerala have branches of the Sakhyam. A group of such branches form a center. There are a number of such Centres under each Diocese. The Constitution of the Sakhaym prescribes that the President should be a Bishop of the Church.
The Sakhyam publishes a monthly magazine called Yuvadeepam (Malayalam) and Ripples (English) with articles of interest to the youth and with focus on the needs of the Church and Society. It also contains Bible reading notes for daily devotional study. The Sakhyam also publishes an annual calendar. The establishment of the Youth Center in Adoor and in Bangalore has been an important achievement of the Sakhyam. It provides facilities for the youth to hold study conferences, retreats and other meetings. The center has accommodation for about 200 young people to camp there.
The Sakhyam provides incentive for the development of the varied talents of young people by organizing studies on topics of current interest, and competition in sports, games, and cultural activities.
Gospel tours are arranged to mission centers so that the young people get a first hand knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of the mission fields. Gospel distribution squads are trained to distribute the scriptures in different places. Youth conventions are held on Diocesan and regional basis to promote study, and dedication of life. Campaigns are held against alcoholism and other social evils. In pursuance of such projects a vigilance corps is operating. Vocational guidance is being provided in a few branches. There are also self-employment projects under the auspices of the branches and centers. The Yuvajana Sakhyam works for meeting the varied needs of the growing generation.
The Golden Jubilee of the Sakhyam was celebrated in 1985. An Administrative block of the Sakhyam was completed near the Sabha Office near Tiruvalla as Jubilee Memorial Project. It was inaugurated in 1986.
To Equip the youth to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Saviour.
To enable the youth of the Mar Thoma Church to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord, God and Saviour.
To help the youth of the church to grow in to the totality of Christ.
To train the youth of the Church in the worship and fellowship of Christian life.
To have participation of the youth in the mission of the Church.
To instill love and faith towards the Church and Christian values & to help the over all growth of the Church
To organize and conduct training camps, meetings, discussions, and classes to improve the knowledge of the youth in the Holy Bible, church’s faith and practice, Ecumenism and in current social affairs.
To establish Sakhyam Sakhas in all Parishes to fulfill the above objectives.
To equip the youth in worship, study, witness and service to fulfill the above objectives.